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This dataset introduces the classifieds section of the German eBay website. Our goal is to clean this dataset and analyze the used car listings that are present in the dataset.
# Load all the packages that we
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
autos = pd.read_csv('autos.csv', encoding='latin-1')
%matplotlib inline
# Taking a glance at the dataset
dateCrawled | name | seller | offerType | price | abtest | vehicleType | yearOfRegistration | gearbox | powerPS | model | odometer | monthOfRegistration | fuelType | brand | notRepairedDamage | dateCreated | nrOfPictures | postalCode | lastSeen | |
0 | 2016-03-26 17:47:46 | Peugeot_807_160_NAVTECH_ON_BOARD | privat | Angebot | $5,000 | control | bus | 2004 | manuell | 158 | andere | 150,000km | 3 | lpg | peugeot | nein | 2016-03-26 00:00:00 | 0 | 79588 | 2016-04-06 06:45:54 |
1 | 2016-04-04 13:38:56 | BMW_740i_4_4_Liter_HAMANN_UMBAU_Mega_Optik | privat | Angebot | $8,500 | control | limousine | 1997 | automatik | 286 | 7er | 150,000km | 6 | benzin | bmw | nein | 2016-04-04 00:00:00 | 0 | 71034 | 2016-04-06 14:45:08 |
2 | 2016-03-26 18:57:24 | Volkswagen_Golf_1.6_United | privat | Angebot | $8,990 | test | limousine | 2009 | manuell | 102 | golf | 70,000km | 7 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-26 00:00:00 | 0 | 35394 | 2016-04-06 20:15:37 |
3 | 2016-03-12 16:58:10 | Smart_smart_fortwo_coupe_softouch/F1/Klima/Pan... | privat | Angebot | $4,350 | control | kleinwagen | 2007 | automatik | 71 | fortwo | 70,000km | 6 | benzin | smart | nein | 2016-03-12 00:00:00 | 0 | 33729 | 2016-03-15 03:16:28 |
4 | 2016-04-01 14:38:50 | Ford_Focus_1_6_Benzin_TÃœV_neu_ist_sehr_gepfleg... | privat | Angebot | $1,350 | test | kombi | 2003 | manuell | 0 | focus | 150,000km | 7 | benzin | ford | nein | 2016-04-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 39218 | 2016-04-01 14:38:50 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
49995 | 2016-03-27 14:38:19 | Audi_Q5_3.0_TDI_qu._S_tr.__Navi__Panorama__Xenon | privat | Angebot | $24,900 | control | limousine | 2011 | automatik | 239 | q5 | 100,000km | 1 | diesel | audi | nein | 2016-03-27 00:00:00 | 0 | 82131 | 2016-04-01 13:47:40 |
49996 | 2016-03-28 10:50:25 | Opel_Astra_F_Cabrio_Bertone_Edition___TÃœV_neu+... | privat | Angebot | $1,980 | control | cabrio | 1996 | manuell | 75 | astra | 150,000km | 5 | benzin | opel | nein | 2016-03-28 00:00:00 | 0 | 44807 | 2016-04-02 14:18:02 |
49997 | 2016-04-02 14:44:48 | Fiat_500_C_1.2_Dualogic_Lounge | privat | Angebot | $13,200 | test | cabrio | 2014 | automatik | 69 | 500 | 5,000km | 11 | benzin | fiat | nein | 2016-04-02 00:00:00 | 0 | 73430 | 2016-04-04 11:47:27 |
49998 | 2016-03-08 19:25:42 | Audi_A3_2.0_TDI_Sportback_Ambition | privat | Angebot | $22,900 | control | kombi | 2013 | manuell | 150 | a3 | 40,000km | 11 | diesel | audi | nein | 2016-03-08 00:00:00 | 0 | 35683 | 2016-04-05 16:45:07 |
49999 | 2016-03-14 00:42:12 | Opel_Vectra_1.6_16V | privat | Angebot | $1,250 | control | limousine | 1996 | manuell | 101 | vectra | 150,000km | 1 | benzin | opel | nein | 2016-03-13 00:00:00 | 0 | 45897 | 2016-04-06 21:18:48 |
50000 rows × 20 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 50000 entries, 0 to 49999
Data columns (total 20 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 dateCrawled 50000 non-null object
1 name 50000 non-null object
2 seller 50000 non-null object
3 offerType 50000 non-null object
4 price 50000 non-null object
5 abtest 50000 non-null object
6 vehicleType 44905 non-null object
7 yearOfRegistration 50000 non-null int64
8 gearbox 47320 non-null object
9 powerPS 50000 non-null int64
10 model 47242 non-null object
11 odometer 50000 non-null object
12 monthOfRegistration 50000 non-null int64
13 fuelType 45518 non-null object
14 brand 50000 non-null object
15 notRepairedDamage 40171 non-null object
16 dateCreated 50000 non-null object
17 nrOfPictures 50000 non-null int64
18 postalCode 50000 non-null int64
19 lastSeen 50000 non-null object
dtypes: int64(5), object(15)
memory usage: 7.6+ MB
dateCrawled | name | seller | offerType | price | abtest | vehicleType | yearOfRegistration | gearbox | powerPS | model | odometer | monthOfRegistration | fuelType | brand | notRepairedDamage | dateCreated | nrOfPictures | postalCode | lastSeen | |
0 | 2016-03-26 17:47:46 | Peugeot_807_160_NAVTECH_ON_BOARD | privat | Angebot | $5,000 | control | bus | 2004 | manuell | 158 | andere | 150,000km | 3 | lpg | peugeot | nein | 2016-03-26 00:00:00 | 0 | 79588 | 2016-04-06 06:45:54 |
1 | 2016-04-04 13:38:56 | BMW_740i_4_4_Liter_HAMANN_UMBAU_Mega_Optik | privat | Angebot | $8,500 | control | limousine | 1997 | automatik | 286 | 7er | 150,000km | 6 | benzin | bmw | nein | 2016-04-04 00:00:00 | 0 | 71034 | 2016-04-06 14:45:08 |
2 | 2016-03-26 18:57:24 | Volkswagen_Golf_1.6_United | privat | Angebot | $8,990 | test | limousine | 2009 | manuell | 102 | golf | 70,000km | 7 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-26 00:00:00 | 0 | 35394 | 2016-04-06 20:15:37 |
3 | 2016-03-12 16:58:10 | Smart_smart_fortwo_coupe_softouch/F1/Klima/Pan... | privat | Angebot | $4,350 | control | kleinwagen | 2007 | automatik | 71 | fortwo | 70,000km | 6 | benzin | smart | nein | 2016-03-12 00:00:00 | 0 | 33729 | 2016-03-15 03:16:28 |
4 | 2016-04-01 14:38:50 | Ford_Focus_1_6_Benzin_TÃœV_neu_ist_sehr_gepfleg... | privat | Angebot | $1,350 | test | kombi | 2003 | manuell | 0 | focus | 150,000km | 7 | benzin | ford | nein | 2016-04-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 39218 | 2016-04-01 14:38:50 |
From my observations of the data thus far, we have 20 columns in this data set and there are five columns that have null values out of these 20. They are: vehicleType
, gearbox
Next we’re going to check our columns to make sure that they are in an easy-to-work with format in the following cells.
Index(['dateCrawled', 'name', 'seller', 'offerType', 'price', 'abtest',
'vehicleType', 'yearOfRegistration', 'gearbox', 'powerPS', 'model',
'odometer', 'monthOfRegistration', 'fuelType', 'brand',
'notRepairedDamage', 'dateCreated', 'nrOfPictures', 'postalCode',
snakecase_names = ['date_crawled', 'name', 'seller', 'offer_type', 'price', 'ab_test',
'vehicle_type', 'registration_year', 'gearbox', 'power_ps', 'model',
'odometer', 'registration_month', 'fuel_type', 'brand',
'unrepaired_damage', 'ad_created', 'num_of_pictures', 'postal_code',
autos.columns = snakecase_names
Index(['date_crawled', 'name', 'seller', 'offer_type', 'price', 'ab_test',
'vehicle_type', 'registration_year', 'gearbox', 'power_ps', 'model',
'odometer', 'registration_month', 'fuel_type', 'brand',
'unrepaired_damage', 'ad_created', 'num_of_pictures', 'postal_code',
This is what we did in the previous few cells:
to display an arraysnakecase_names
and changed the index names into snakecase formatsnakecase_names
to autos.columns
The work I did here will make our columns easier to read, and if need be, easier to transform!
date_crawled | name | seller | offer_type | price | ab_test | vehicle_type | registration_year | gearbox | power_ps | model | odometer | registration_month | fuel_type | brand | unrepaired_damage | ad_created | num_of_pictures | postal_code | last_seen | |
count | 50000 | 50000 | 50000 | 50000 | 50000 | 50000 | 44905 | 50000.000000 | 47320 | 50000.000000 | 47242 | 50000 | 50000.000000 | 45518 | 50000 | 40171 | 50000 | 50000.0 | 50000.000000 | 50000 |
unique | 48213 | 38754 | 2 | 2 | 2357 | 2 | 8 | NaN | 2 | NaN | 245 | 13 | NaN | 7 | 40 | 2 | 76 | NaN | NaN | 39481 |
top | 2016-03-30 19:48:02 | Ford_Fiesta | privat | Angebot | $0 | test | limousine | NaN | manuell | NaN | golf | 150,000km | NaN | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-04-03 00:00:00 | NaN | NaN | 2016-04-07 06:17:27 |
freq | 3 | 78 | 49999 | 49999 | 1421 | 25756 | 12859 | NaN | 36993 | NaN | 4024 | 32424 | NaN | 30107 | 10687 | 35232 | 1946 | NaN | NaN | 8 |
mean | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2005.073280 | NaN | 116.355920 | NaN | NaN | 5.723360 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 50813.627300 | NaN |
std | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 105.712813 | NaN | 209.216627 | NaN | NaN | 3.711984 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 25779.747957 | NaN |
min | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1000.000000 | NaN | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 1067.000000 | NaN |
25% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1999.000000 | NaN | 70.000000 | NaN | NaN | 3.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 30451.000000 | NaN |
50% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2003.000000 | NaN | 105.000000 | NaN | NaN | 6.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 49577.000000 | NaN |
75% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2008.000000 | NaN | 150.000000 | NaN | NaN | 9.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 71540.000000 | NaN |
max | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 9999.000000 | NaN | 17700.000000 | NaN | NaN | 12.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 99998.000000 | NaN |
After using the describe
command, this is what I can determine:
# Drop seller, offer_type, and num_of_pictures columns
autos = autos.drop(columns=['seller','offer_type', 'num_of_pictures'])
Next in two of the colums, price
and odometer
we have some characters present that will be a hindrance to us if we want to perform calculations in the near future. Let’s clean them up!
0 $5,000
1 $8,500
2 $8,990
3 $4,350
4 $1,350
49995 $24,900
49996 $1,980
49997 $13,200
49998 $22,900
49999 $1,250
Name: price, Length: 50000, dtype: object
0 150,000km
1 150,000km
2 70,000km
3 70,000km
4 150,000km
49995 100,000km
49996 150,000km
49997 5,000km
49998 40,000km
49999 150,000km
Name: odometer, Length: 50000, dtype: object
# Remove non-numeric charcters and convert dtypes for price and odometer columns to numeric values
autos['price'] = autos['price'].str.replace('$', '').str.replace(',','')
autos['odometer'] = autos['odometer'].str.replace('km', '').str.replace(',','')
autos['price'] = autos['price'].astype(int)
autos['odometer'] = autos['odometer'].astype(int)
# Lastly we'll rename 'odometer' to odometer_km so that our audience will know that the units are in km
autos = autos.rename(columns={"odometer": "odometer_km"})
Check to see whether our conversion of the two columns price
and odometer
to a numeric dtype were successful as well as our renaming odometer
to odometer_km
18 1
17 3
15 2
14 1
13 2
12 3
11 2
10 7
9 1
8 1
5 2
3 1
2 3
1 156
0 1421
Name: price, dtype: int64
150000 32424
125000 5170
100000 2169
90000 1757
80000 1436
70000 1230
60000 1164
50000 1027
40000 819
30000 789
20000 784
10000 264
5000 967
Name: odometer_km, dtype: int64
Our conversion was successful!
Next we want to get rid of values in odometer_km
and prices
that don’t seem to be within the scope of realistic expectations that we would have for used vehicles.
# Remove rows with unrealistic prices
autos = autos[autos['price'].between(1000, 1000000)]
count 38629.000000
mean 7332.474359
std 13060.890754
min 1000.000000
25% 2200.000000
50% 4350.000000
75% 8950.000000
max 999999.000000
Name: price, dtype: float64
In the above transformations, I didn’t make any changes to the odometer_km
column, because all the values were seen as necessary and realistic. But I did however, make changes to the price
column because there were a lot of unrealistic prices for cars that were both too low and too high
(autos[['date_crawled', 'last_seen', 'ad_created']].
sort_values(by=['ad_created'], ascending=True)
date_crawled | last_seen | ad_created | |
38743 | 2016-04-07 02:36:24 | 2016-04-07 02:36:24 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
47885 | 2016-04-07 00:36:33 | 2016-04-07 00:36:33 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
13976 | 2016-04-07 10:36:17 | 2016-04-07 10:36:17 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
4378 | 2016-04-07 14:36:55 | 2016-04-07 14:36:55 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
37112 | 2016-04-07 07:36:24 | 2016-04-07 07:36:24 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
30532 | 2016-04-07 01:36:35 | 2016-04-07 01:36:35 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
24853 | 2016-04-07 08:25:34 | 2016-04-07 09:06:16 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
29938 | 2016-04-07 11:36:23 | 2016-04-07 11:36:23 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
1138 | 2016-04-07 01:36:16 | 2016-04-07 01:36:16 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
47588 | 2016-04-07 03:36:24 | 2016-04-07 03:36:24 | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 |
# autos['date_crawled'] = autos['date_crawled'].str[:10]
# autos['last_seen'] = autos['last_seen'].str[:10]
# autos['ad_created'] = autos['ad_created'].str[:10]
.value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=False)
2016-03-02 0.000129
2016-03-03 0.000854
2016-03-04 0.001527
2016-03-05 0.023040
2016-03-06 0.015144
2016-03-07 0.033809
2016-03-08 0.032566
2016-03-09 0.032644
2016-03-10 0.032980
2016-03-11 0.033058
2016-03-12 0.037122
2016-03-13 0.017655
2016-03-14 0.034974
2016-03-15 0.033446
2016-03-16 0.029641
2016-03-17 0.030185
2016-03-18 0.013280
2016-03-19 0.034068
2016-03-20 0.038261
2016-03-21 0.037588
2016-03-22 0.032307
2016-03-23 0.031945
2016-03-24 0.029020
2016-03-25 0.030676
2016-03-26 0.033213
2016-03-27 0.031272
2016-03-28 0.035388
2016-03-29 0.033990
2016-03-30 0.032903
2016-03-31 0.031557
2016-04-01 0.034456
2016-04-02 0.035957
2016-04-03 0.039452
2016-04-04 0.037278
2016-04-05 0.011986
2016-04-06 0.003365
2016-04-07 0.001320
Name: ad_created, dtype: float64
There are 74 unique values in our ad_created
column. This means that we have a wide variety of dates where our listings are created with the oldest being 9 months older than the more recent months
.value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=False)
2016-03-05 0.025551
2016-03-06 0.013876
2016-03-07 0.035129
2016-03-08 0.032618
2016-03-09 0.032463
2016-03-10 0.033317
2016-03-11 0.032799
2016-03-12 0.037381
2016-03-13 0.015998
2016-03-14 0.036631
2016-03-15 0.033628
2016-03-16 0.029071
2016-03-17 0.030495
2016-03-18 0.012840
2016-03-19 0.035129
2016-03-20 0.038158
2016-03-21 0.037304
2016-03-22 0.032514
2016-03-23 0.032204
2016-03-24 0.029020
2016-03-25 0.030521
2016-03-26 0.033110
2016-03-27 0.031401
2016-03-28 0.035362
2016-03-29 0.033990
2016-03-30 0.033058
2016-03-31 0.031401
2016-04-01 0.034611
2016-04-02 0.036294
2016-04-03 0.039142
2016-04-04 0.036863
2016-04-05 0.013358
2016-04-06 0.003262
2016-04-07 0.001501
Name: date_crawled, dtype: float64
The date_crawled
column has consecutive dates from early March to April. It also appears to have a pretty solid correlation with the ad_created
column for the same date, meaning that the date that the ad is first crawled relates strongly to when the ad is first created.
About half of the listings were accessed by the crawler in the last three days that we have on record for our data. And the difference is about 6-10x the previous rates. So it’s strange, but since none of our date columns have any value that goes further than 2016-04-07
, we can probably assume that this discrepancy is possibly due to the crawler not pulling any data beyond that point.
.value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=False)
2016-03-05 0.001087
2016-03-06 0.003572
2016-03-07 0.004556
2016-03-08 0.006239
2016-03-09 0.008905
2016-03-10 0.009811
2016-03-11 0.011727
2016-03-12 0.022185
2016-03-13 0.008387
2016-03-14 0.011986
2016-03-15 0.014989
2016-03-16 0.015455
2016-03-17 0.026379
2016-03-18 0.007378
2016-03-19 0.014600
2016-03-20 0.019804
2016-03-21 0.019674
2016-03-22 0.020787
2016-03-23 0.017914
2016-03-24 0.018535
2016-03-25 0.017759
2016-03-26 0.016076
2016-03-27 0.014083
2016-03-28 0.019441
2016-03-29 0.020787
2016-03-30 0.023454
2016-03-31 0.022729
2016-04-01 0.023195
2016-04-02 0.024904
2016-04-03 0.024438
2016-04-04 0.023376
2016-04-05 0.131119
2016-04-06 0.234694
2016-04-07 0.139973
Name: last_seen, dtype: float64
# Print out our registration years
1000 1
1001 1
1927 1
1929 1
1931 1
5911 1
6200 1
8888 1
9000 1
9999 2
Name: registration_year, Length: 91, dtype: int64
count 38629.000000
mean 2005.678713
std 86.681928
min 1000.000000
25% 2001.000000
50% 2005.000000
75% 2009.000000
max 9999.000000
Name: registration_year, dtype: float64
Looking at the data in registration_year
column, we can see that there are quite a few oddities in here.
# Filter out anything that is after the year 2016 and before the 1900s
odd_values = autos[(autos['registration_year'] > 2016) |
(autos['registration_year'] < 1900)].index
# Drop them from our table
autos.drop(odd_values, inplace=True)
I decided to created a |
filter that isolated rows with registration_year
values > 2016
or < 1900
. My reasoning for deciding my filter criteria was based on the fact that there definitely could be some vintage vehicles that were registered in the early decades of the 1900s. As for filtering out values on the opposite end of the spectrum, because our data is only supposed to go up to 2016, I also dropped data after this point as it isn’t accurate. There were a lot of rows that contained 2017
as a value, but that would be inaccurate as a car can’t be registered after it has already been posted/seen on eBay.
# Print out registration_year values to get a feel for the data
# Print out a small sample of the data—the first 15 values in descending order
sample = autos['registration_year'].value_counts(normalize=True).sort_values(ascending=False).head(15)
# Sum the sample to get the percentage and convert it to a string to print a statment
print("These 15 rows impact " + str(sample.sum() * 100) + "%" " of our data")
2005 0.074847
2006 0.071246
2004 0.070091
2003 0.066570
2007 0.060711
1929 0.000027
1927 0.000027
1943 0.000027
1953 0.000027
1952 0.000027
Name: registration_year, Length: 77, dtype: float64
2005 0.074847
2006 0.071246
2004 0.070091
2003 0.066570
2007 0.060711
2008 0.059233
2002 0.057379
2009 0.055820
2001 0.055497
2000 0.053777
1999 0.046333
2011 0.043457
2010 0.042570
2012 0.035099
1998 0.034481
Name: registration_year, dtype: float64
These 15 rows impact 82.7111720282727% of our data
With our truncated registration_year
column, it now stands at 77 rows. I took 15 of the highest recurring registration_year
values in descending order and added them up. The result that I got after adding them together and multiplying by 100 was 82.7111720282727
This indicates that about 83 percent of the cars in our dataset were registered between the years 1998 to 2012. And the years that have that have the highest registration in order are 2005
, 2006
, and 2004
# Check to see the top brands that make up the highest percentage of the brand column
volkswagen 0.210836
bmw 0.125346
mercedes_benz 0.111586
audi 0.097584
opel 0.089064
ford 0.058722
renault 0.037276
peugeot 0.027896
fiat 0.021070
skoda 0.019055
seat 0.017281
smart 0.016609
toyota 0.014620
mazda 0.014244
citroen 0.013894
nissan 0.013626
mini 0.010884
hyundai 0.010750
sonstige_autos 0.010454
volvo 0.008976
kia 0.007686
porsche 0.007471
honda 0.007337
mitsubishi 0.006880
chevrolet 0.006611
alfa_romeo 0.006235
suzuki 0.005724
dacia 0.003279
chrysler 0.003171
jeep 0.002768
land_rover 0.002634
jaguar 0.001854
subaru 0.001720
daihatsu 0.001693
saab 0.001371
daewoo 0.000914
trabant 0.000860
rover 0.000726
lancia 0.000672
lada 0.000618
Name: brand, dtype: float64
To determine the top brands in our brand
column, I decided to choose the six most commonly occuring values aka the ‘top brands’ in that column. In order, it goes: volkswagen, bmw, mercedes_benz, audi, opel, ford
top_brands = ['volkswagen', 'bmw', 'mercedes_benz', 'audi', 'opel', 'ford']
counter = 0
for brand in top_brands:
if counter == 0:
filtered = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(), autos[autos['brand'] == brand]], axis=0)
filtered = pd.concat([filtered, autos[autos['brand'] == brand]], axis=0)
counter += 1
# Check out our filtered and combined dataframe
date_crawled | name | price | ab_test | vehicle_type | registration_year | gearbox | power_ps | model | odometer_km | registration_month | fuel_type | brand | unrepaired_damage | ad_created | postal_code | last_seen | |
2 | 2016-03-26 18:57:24 | Volkswagen_Golf_1.6_United | 8990 | test | limousine | 2009 | manuell | 102 | golf | 70000 | 7 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-26 00:00:00 | 35394 | 2016-04-06 20:15:37 |
7 | 2016-03-16 18:55:19 | Golf_IV_1.9_TDI_90PS | 1990 | control | limousine | 1998 | manuell | 90 | golf | 150000 | 12 | diesel | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-16 00:00:00 | 53474 | 2016-04-07 03:17:32 |
17 | 2016-03-29 11:46:22 | Volkswagen_Scirocco_2_G60 | 5500 | test | coupe | 1990 | manuell | 205 | scirocco | 150000 | 6 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-29 00:00:00 | 74821 | 2016-04-05 20:46:26 |
38 | 2016-03-21 15:51:10 | Volkswagen_Golf_1.4_Special | 2850 | control | limousine | 2002 | manuell | 75 | golf | 125000 | 2 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-21 00:00:00 | 63674 | 2016-03-28 12:16:06 |
40 | 2016-03-07 14:50:03 | VW_Golf__4_Cabrio_2.0_GTI_16V___Leder_MFA_Alus... | 3500 | control | cabrio | 1999 | manuell | 150 | golf | 150000 | 1 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-07 00:00:00 | 6780 | 2016-03-12 02:15:52 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
49815 | 2016-03-08 10:06:22 | SUCHE_TIPPS___Ford_Mustang_Shelby_GT_350_500_K... | 130000 | control | coupe | 1968 | NaN | 0 | mustang | 50000 | 7 | benzin | ford | NaN | 2016-03-08 00:00:00 | 56070 | 2016-03-23 23:15:17 |
49837 | 2016-03-06 00:40:13 | Ford_Focus_Kombi_1_8 | 2000 | control | kombi | 2001 | manuell | 115 | focus | 150000 | 0 | benzin | ford | NaN | 2016-03-05 00:00:00 | 26441 | 2016-03-12 18:46:37 |
49871 | 2016-03-12 19:00:30 | Ford_Fiesta_1_4_TÃœV_bis_2018 | 1800 | test | limousine | 2003 | manuell | 0 | fiesta | 150000 | 3 | benzin | ford | nein | 2016-03-12 00:00:00 | 61169 | 2016-03-13 17:09:04 |
49922 | 2016-03-17 10:36:56 | Ford_Focus_2.0_16V_Titanium | 2888 | test | limousine | 2004 | manuell | 145 | focus | 150000 | 12 | benzin | ford | nein | 2016-03-17 00:00:00 | 45549 | 2016-03-19 09:18:37 |
49953 | 2016-03-30 17:55:21 | Ford_Mustang | 14750 | control | coupe | 1967 | automatik | 163 | mustang | 125000 | 8 | benzin | ford | nein | 2016-03-30 00:00:00 | 84478 | 2016-03-30 17:55:21 |
25791 rows × 17 columns
In this cell, we chose our ‘top brands’ as mentioned earlier and then filter them using a for loop, iterating through our top_brands
list and use the pandas pd.concat()
function to stack the filtered dataframes on top of each other.
averages = filtered.groupby('brand')['price'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False)
I converted our filtered and stacked dataframe, filtered
into a groupby
object, where we group by brand
and aggregate our data by using mean()
on our price
From what I can see here from our ‘top brands’, Audi vehicles seem to have the highest average price while opel’s have the lowest. Volkswagen vehicles are substantially cheaper than Audi, Mercedes Benz and BMW vehicles in our dataset, but they’re substantially more abundant than Ford vehicles, which have a slightly cheaper price than Volkswagen’s.
I then save filtered
to a new variable called averages
as I will do another aggregation concerning the mean of odometer_km
brand_mean_prices = {}
for brand in top_brands:
brand_only = autos[autos["brand"] == brand]
mean_price = brand_only['price'].mean()
brand_mean_prices[brand] = mean_price
sorted(brand_mean_prices.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
[('audi', 10322.269347287249),
('mercedes_benz', 9302.614402697494),
('bmw', 9119.20218696398),
('volkswagen', 6898.376545570427),
('ford', 5786.703432494279),
('opel', 4219.954737477368)]
This was another more involved method of finding our mean prices. This way involves assigning the brand names and mean prices to a dictionary while also looping through the top brands like for the creation of our filtered
dataframe a few cells above.
# Turning our series into a dataframe
averages = pd.DataFrame(averages)
# Renaming the column
averages = averages.rename(columns={'price': 'mean_price'})
# Creating another group by series and adding it as a column to our new dataframe
averages['avg_mileage'] = filtered.groupby('brand')['odometer_km'].mean()
To make our data easier to work with and transform, I convereted our averages
series into a DataFrame. I also renamed the price
column to mean_price
I also performed a groupby
operation on our brand
column once again and aggregated odometer_km
using the mean()
function, creating a series. We then assigned the series to our new DataFrame averages
by creating a new column in averages
called avg_mileage
averages = averages.loc[:, ['avg_mileage', 'mean_price']].sort_values(by='avg_mileage', ascending=False)
averages['avg_mileage_to_price_ratio'] = (averages['avg_mileage'] /averages['mean_price'])
avg_mileage | mean_price | avg_mileage_to_price_ratio | |
brand | |||
bmw | 132001.500858 | 9119.202187 | 14.475115 |
mercedes_benz | 130062.620424 | 9302.614403 | 13.981298 |
audi | 127491.049298 | 10322.269347 | 12.351068 |
volkswagen | 125771.829191 | 6898.376546 | 18.232091 |
opel | 123952.926976 | 4219.954737 | 29.373047 |
ford | 119622.425629 | 5786.703432 | 20.671947 |
plt.scatter(averages['mean_price'], averages['avg_mileage'])
I decided to sort out our values based on the avg_mileage
column and I added another column called avg_mileage_to_price_ratio
. Based on my observations, our ‘big 3’ luxury brands (Audi, Mercedes Benz and BMW) seem to have a slight correlation between avg_mileage
and mean_price
as the price seems to be higher as the mileage decreases and vice versa. But that link isn’t so strong with the other brands, such as comparing the Ford brand to the Volkswagen brand where Ford has a substantially lower avg_mileage
value than Volkswagen, but it is also quite less expensive.
And for the avg_mileage_to_price_ratio
column, in the absence of any other factors or features, from a consumer perspective, a higher number indicates a more economic value for the consumer and while a lower number would probably put it in the range of being more of a luxury purchase. If I have more time, I could potentially use this and other metrics to determine whether any given brand is a luxury brand or not.
This concludes my observations for this dataset for now, but there are still additional transformations and further analysis that can be done with it. We can still do further cleaning such as converting the date columns to a more uniform format and possibly even translating the German words in our categorical data. For analysis, we can do more in-depth dives into our specific vehicle model types, looking at damaged vs. non-damaged vehicles, and so on.
I will continue to periodically come back to this dataset to reiterate and update with more insights, cleaning up and finding newer more efficient ways to expedite old processes! Thank you for your time!