Lance Inimgba


Data science enthusiast who loves getting lost in Jupyter notebooks πŸ˜‹
Love travel and foodie actvities!

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My Data Analytics Portfolio

For my Jupyter notebook projects, I will try to have an option to view them in their original .ipynb format on Github.

I-94 Traffic Volume Analyis Project

I explore the factors for heavy traffic volume along a major stretch of the Interstate 94 Highway in Minnesota.

Ebay Used Car Analytics Project

For this project, I explored and analyze used cars on the German eBay marketplace.

App Idea Analytics Project

In this project, I work as an analyst for a mobile app dev company to analyze and determine how our company can design their own successful app without competing directly against the juggernauts of the industry.

NBA Analytics Project

A fun and interesting project where we analyze performances from the 2021-22 NBA season to find standout performers based on several different metrics. I play the role of a candidate employee for my hometown Minnesota Timberwolves.

Healthcare Project

A more in-depth SQL project where we work with more advanced SQL concepts and queries within a dataset of diabetic patients.

Bank Project

An SQL walkthrough project where we practice using basic queries on the World Bank’s IDA Bank Loan dataset.

Massachusetts Education Project

In this project, I play the role of a newly hired data analyst for the Massachusetts Department of Education who is tasked to find particular trends and relationships amongst the variables in the dataset.

Ifood Analysis Project

For this Excel-based project, I am playing the role of a junior data analyst for a popular Brazilian food delivery service called iFood. It’s not comprehensive at all, but I do manage to uncover and convey some interesting insights.